Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sum gyal ah freak....

Some Punnany gets serious, cantankerous and dangerous....

It's dangerous out here. There are so many young people that fail to realize that sex is not a game. Last week at Chey.ney University, an HBCU on the outskirts of Philadelphia, a stripper allegedly slept with 10 men on campus. This woman had HIV and knowingly infected these individuals. This has caused widespread panic at the college in both men and women. All of a sudden, the threat of disease has hit close to home.

Why anyone would sleep with a stripper without protection in this day and age, is beyond me. Now I remember being young and reckless. I remember college too. The raging hormones and passion that can overtake you and your better judgement. But in this decade of the down low, the diseased, the Hooker chronicles on H.B.O....we have to know that sleeping with a hooker would require protection. *sigh*

I wonder what will happen to me when I walk in my house and catch some half naked teenagers in my basement?

I am not one of those parents with their head in the clouds. I am a realist. I believe that the nature of kids is to try things. They are curious. They are human. I am going into it assuming they will want to have sex and actually like it once they start. I am more into educating them and teaching consequences for their actions.

I will explain why they should wait for the right person but if they can't, there is never a free ride in life. Every action comes with consequences. Some good, some bad.

Your body is special. A young woman's body is even more special because she can hold and sustain a life. To share that experience means something.

I hope I can teach them to think with both heads.


Blogger A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

i hear about more and more cases of people with the virus willingly infecting people. i have seen first hand a man with the virus trying to solicit sex from a woman it's a sad state of affairs.

that woman should be charged with attempted murder for each and every young man she slept with. there is a huge imbalance with our system when people with HIV are lashing out at society like that...

10:55 AM  
Blogger onefromphilly said...

We have similar thoughts on this. The problem (I think) is that people are not raising their boys like they raise their girls. They tell the girls "don't", they tell the boys "protect yourself". Hell with that!! I tell my boys all the time "don't trust anybody else with your life or your future. Don't believe that she's on birth control and don't believe she's 'clean'. But before you even think about having sex, make sure she deserves you sharing your most prized possession with her,your body". I gave my boys the hard core real story about women and sex and sex in college before they set foot on a campus. My husband said I didn't have to be that raw. HMPH!!! My 28 yr old nephew, and 25 yr step-son both disease free, baby-momma free, college graduates. It's my 16 yr olds turn next.

10:57 AM  
Blogger Jameil said...

man i hope me and my future husband can raise some sons with good heads on their bodies if we're blessed with some. sleeping with a stripper without protection????????? that's so 1984. wth??? so disgusted.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is becoming more common right? HIV infected people on a mission to infect as many other people as possible. That's a crime but then again, every single one of those dudes should get smacked....

The "talk" with boys and girls are on two opposite ends of the spectrum. Girls get the "your body is a temple" talk. Boys don't. So boys naturally think they're warriors and invincible (actually most teenagers think that way). Diseases don't discriminate. You nor your kids can't afford to be naive. My mom was real about it - in my face- this is how it is type of talk. These are diseases, don't do it but if you do use condoms, not everyone is clean, don't trust all women...At that time I thought she was nuts...but...best advice I ever got...

1:38 PM  
Blogger African girl, American world said...

Years ago they arrested a brother on a white campus that did the same thing.
Yes consequences are something else. I have heard stories of people finding out they are HIV positive and WANT to infect as many others as possible *smh*
And on a college campus? I used to joke that at the University I went to where 20,000 students and only 1% black folk, us black folk all slept with each other by that whole 6 degrees of seperation thing.
Damn it is no joke now.

2:59 PM  
Blogger BK said...

I'm late but I know this all too well.. this happens too frequently and isn't talked about.

Like fresh said.. girls get the frilly talk and boys get the other talk.. both of my kids get it now.. I give it to them RAW no chaser.. sad thing is a lot of the little girls and I'm talking 8-10 are talking about having sex and calling my son a punk cause he don't want to touch them.. dem fast ass girls got to watch them.. and I'm teaching my daughter to NOT BE one of them fast ass girls!

3:36 PM  

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