Friday, August 10, 2007

Does my sassiness upset you?

When I was pledging, I had to memorize a poem by my Soror, May.a An.gelou. You may be familiar with it.

As I have grown older and more comfortable with who I am, I have learned to love myself....flaws and all. I have truly come to respect the power of Maya's words. As a teenager, I was insecure about so many things. How I looked, would people like my outfits, my hair, my jokes. As a young woman, I was worried about dating, finding a husband, my job, money, making my family proud, my life.

At the age I am now, I am so comfortable with me and my existence. I am not afraid to say that I love who I am. Of course, there is a lot of room for growth. I can always do better. But, overall, I am pretty awesome and I know it. I accept it. I feel it and I walk around with that certain something. That confidence.

In life, there are always people who will try and point out your flaws. The naysayers, the negative influences, the "haters".

Some people always like to judge others from the outside. I know because I am one of them. I judge all the time. It's human nature.

However, only YOU (and the BIG GUY) can judge yourself. Only you know what you have overcome to get to this point. Only you know what special gifts lie in your heart for the right people or person to share. Only you fully understand what you are capable of. The gifts that you possess.

I am not afraid of anyone judging me anymore. I know what I bring to the table and you should too.

Let the naysayers all fade away and walk like you've got oil wells in your backyard.

Have a great weekend. Be blessed!


Blogger BK said...

Big Sis.. trust when I say we are so >>>><<<<< in this last month, I have learned so much about myself and realize that I too am comfortable with ME..

I love ya ma!! have a fantabulous weekend

4:29 PM  
Blogger Erica Bunker said...

Those naysayers can't stand that we walk like we've got diamonds at the meeting of our thighs. They need to fade to black! I've learned to be comfortable in my own skin too.

5:02 PM  
Blogger Virtuous said...

Gurl who didn't have to memorize that poem when they pledge! LOL

And ironically I have been having to get folks straight lately about who I AM and not what they think I should do/be - grown folks at that Haha! And actually it feels good to hear them realize it when I tell them politely to mind theirs!!!

3:40 AM  
Blogger proacTiff said...

Amen. It's just something about those of us who don invisible to the natural eye twenty pearls. You are woman, I hear you roaring, not afraid of all that you were created to be.

Big up...

7:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm getting there!!


5:47 AM  
Blogger Ms. Lee said...

Naysayers only point out your flaws to make themselves feel better. They need a hug. Or a kick depending on the day...

Years ago, had I been blogging, I would have always been trying to put my good side forward, either downplaying the bad, or not mentioning it at all, thinking people might not like me if they knew I wasn't perfect. (Mind you, they already knew...)

It's so liberating a feeling, being comfortable in my own skin. And I think it makes my interactions with other people more rewarding as well.

Great post!

6:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm truly happy you did this post...however, I am late reading it ...excuses 0-101 for my lateness. I'm so glad you did the post because I wanted to vent and sometimes you can't vent w/family and friends. I really don't know how to start my story, because I'm not sure if it really falls under this post...but I'm going to put it out here.

I'm a single mom in my early thirties and not so secure in myself, I know I should be but I'm not. I've given so much of myself to other's, that I don't feel I have anything left to offer. I always ask the question why me, what can I do to change things? To me my life has been a down hill battle since 7th grade and I saw a glimmer of hope when I graduated from 12th grade. Books should have been all I was thinking about, but peer pressure was hell. I was never the talkative type and didn't dress the way I wanted to (the money just wasn't there), didn't go to my senior prom because I didn't have a date. I mean guys just didn't seem into me. I am a little heavy, but I feel I carry it well being that I'm 5/7. Well any how, I got to college and was off to a wonderful start...then what I thought was the man of my dreams came into my life. Let's hit fast-forward.

Needless to say I didn't finish school....I left school and got a job and had a baby girl. My pregnancy was hard finically, because I had to foot my bills (doc visits) and I started to purchase baby things...because I didn't want people saying what they had to do for me. The love of my life was there, but wasn't happy at all and didn't want me to bring "our baby" into the world.....but I chose to have "my baby" because she was apart of me and I don't think I could have lived w/myself. It took me months to tell my mom, because I was scared and I knew I let her down. She didn't want me to be an unwed mother, at a dead end job. My mom went through the same thing, she was just younger and my father was older.

My mom raised me w/the help of my grandmother, I never really had a father figure and didn't know what to look for in a mate. To this day I still carry the pain of not having had a father in my life and now, my child is going through the same thing. The life I'm leaving is not the one I pictured. I dream of going back to school, I only have 6 hrs. left but my job is not flexible ( not to mention the stack of bills) and now I have a child to care for.....In a world full of hope, I feel so lost and all alone. I stress to my daughter to always give your best and never settle for anything less. There's so much more to this, but you would be reading for days. I once had dreams of living a brilliant life and raising a wonderful family. Please, don't misunderstand me...I love my daughter to death and have sacrificed a great deal to make sure she's in one of the best schools. I try to give her everything she ask for, because I feel I have short changed her in some ways.

I'm trying to find my way back and I just need a little do I start to put the pieces back together? I just want to be happy, I haven't had that feeling in along time.


7:59 AM  
Blogger BZ said...

Thank you soooooooo much for this! My 30s have been great to me so far. I've really come to appreciate myself, flaws and all. I love where I'm at and the progress I'm continually making. But, every now and again, I beat myself up a bit over what I could be doing better. Thanks for the reminder! *huggs*

8:25 AM  
Blogger Jameil said...

but still LIKE AIR I RISE!! girl i used to do this poem at every talent show when i was younger! i'm so glad i love myself. you rock!!

11:06 AM  

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