Monday, October 16, 2006

The Randomness

**yawn** I really should have called out

Why did Delishus or whatever the hell her name is on Flavor of Love look like Michael Strahan from the NY Giants?

Where are all of the trash talking Eagles fans today?

Where the hell is Lincolnshire, IL and why will I be spending a week there on business next week?

Why do adults show up at kids' birthday parties and then eat all of the pizza and cake? Poor kids.

Why did my son call 911 (cause he learned about it in school and wanted to dial something) and hang up and then have the nerve to be terrified when the cops showed up?

How come everytime I attempt to eat healthier, someone brings donuts in to the office?

Why is LOST the best show on tv and no one watches it?

Will I have a new job by Friday?

Is Dunkin Donuts better than Starbucks?

My baby can now say "Nose, mouth, fish, daddy, uh oh, up, down, outside" and still can't say Mommy.

Am I the only one looking forward to the VH1 Hip Hop Honors show?

And why is Da Brat doing the tribute to MC Lyte?.........LOL


Blogger Miz JJ said...

I could never get into Lost. I mean seriously what is the tampon situation on that island? I am just keeping it real.

Lol @ your son calling 911

1:21 PM  
Blogger 1969 said...

Miz JJ...they have medical supplies on the Island. The producers have thought of everything. They have a shower, unlimited food and medical needs. LOL

Yeah...him calling 911 was NOT funny. He was so shook when the cops came.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Phoenix said...

LMAO - yes why is Da Brat doing the tribute to MC lyte? I vote for Dunkin Donuts. Starbucks coffee is too strong and bitter. it takes me liek 10 sugars to make it taste good.

I think you will have a new job and if not you still got the one you have now. win-win?

3:00 PM  
Blogger p_nami said...

Lil Kim and Remy Ma are paying tribute along with Da Brat...can you imagine all that H.A.M. in one place?!

I'm waiting for the Hip Hop Honors show as well...but I'm scared to see what Ice-T's wife is going to wear! LOL

3:03 PM  
Blogger Organized Noise said...

1. I don't care
2. In hiding because they see that the Giants are getting their act together
3. It's right outside of Chicago, and based on the resort website, you might not want to come back.
4. Because they can
5. Hell if I know
6. Murphy's Law
7. Lost is NOT the best show on television, GREY'S ANATOMY is.
8. I hope so.
9. Tough call. Depends on what you're getting.
10. Don't worry, it'll come when you least expect it.
11. Probably
12. I thought Lil' Kim was doing the MC Lyte tribute

Oh, wait, you didn't want me to answer those questions. Ooops.

5:25 PM  
Blogger G. Mo said...

Dayummmm... aren't you a Giants fan? How ya gonna diss Strahan like that? Then again Mr. "I Can Whistle & Chew Crackers At The Same Time" has been playing rather soft this season, so maybe that is Delishus on the football field.

We'll see next Monday night... :)

6:41 PM  
Blogger P said...

LMAO@ Delishis comment. I had to look dude up to see for myself. . .


AND. . .

Girl, why come grown folks show up to kids birf-day parties and tell you they wanted to "see what the child received before they bought them a gift."


11:33 PM  
Blogger 1969 said...

Phoenix...I agree. Starbucks regular coffee always tastes like it is burnt. UGH.

Dollface....whew...that is some HAM, a side of sausage and some bacon bits. Remy Ma alone....UGH.

Now Brilld...I am the biggest Big Daddy Kane fan and he was the highlight last year. The brat and lyte may be good for each other :)

ON...leave it to you to actually answer my random ass. LOL Monday night is our wager. Now if I lose, you want some food....what if I win????? about when all the adults are cussing and carrying on while the kids are sitting there? Or when you invite their five year old and they show up with cousins and or three other kids? Crazy.

4:42 AM  
Blogger Ming Houser, Realtor said...

I have only watched one episode of Lost and that was last week. It was actually pretty good.

I have always said that Delishes looks like a man. Flave better be careful.

Dunkin Donuts is better than Starbucks. I don't care how fancy Starbucks think they are with the names.

11:00 AM  
Blogger G. Mo said...

@ 1969 - You won't win. But if the NY Midgets happen to luck up and beat my 'Boys, I'll hook-up one of my sweet potato pies or somethin'

2:19 PM  

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