Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Cleaning

The advent of Spring always makes me want to reasses my life. Am I following up on the goals I have set for myself so far this year.

I have been doing much better with making healthier choices. I gave up red meat and pork last year and have pretty much committed myself to it. I don't miss it and have been able to stay on track. It's pretty interesting that so many people have asked me "Why did you give it up?". Kind of like, "Did you turn into a muslim or something?" LOL I gave it up because I feel healthier when I don't eat it. I love steak, don't get me wrong but I feel sluggish after I eat it. Since my new seafood and chicken shift, I feel like I have more energy. So far so good.

I have been working out consistently. I realize that I need at least three days a week in the gym...PERIOD. Once I get in there and run or lift weights....I feel so much better. I have been maintaining this one so I am pretty happy. I plan on running a 5K this Spring so I am on track to do it.

Here comes the bad part. Spending money on frivilous items. I sat down with my financial planner...Mr. 1969...and have decided (or was told) that I spend way too much money on frivilous crap. So after my first instinct to defend myself...I listened. Perish the thought, but he is actually right. There are small things I can live without and save $$$ in the process. So I may have to say goodbye to my Starbuck.s habit at work. I spend about $5 there a day. You do the math. I always looked at it as my treat to myself every morning....which is fine...but that is way too much money to throw away when I am in house renovations. So I may have to buy a bag of Starbucks and brew it at home and down a mug before I leave the house. Way more economical.

I also resolved to try and sit down with the kids more and do work with them every night. Taliban 1 is pretty much a genius. We spent so much time with him when he was younger (before Tali 2 hit the scene). He can already read small books and speak almost 100 words in Spanish. He knows all of the planets in the Solar system, can count to 1,000 and is an all around smart kid. He will be getting tested in a few weeks due to the urgings of his teacher....but they are only going to tell us what we already know....he's a smartie.

With Tali 2, I am trying to make more time to sit with him at night. He's a bright kid but with two of them, I barely have time to breathe when I get home. The routine has been off. So I am resolved to get back on track with my evening home schooling.

How are your resolutions coming so far this year?


Blogger BZ said...


Welcome to the week! I totally feel you on the internal assessment thing. I definitely admire the honesty. Work-life balance is not the easiest thing in the world, especially when you gotta be super-mom to boot (and it sounds like you're doing a great job at it, btw). I gotta work on the spending money thing, too - notorious for buying food at work.

7:22 AM  
Blogger BK said...

LOL I guess with the time changing this weekend reassessment was done by a lot of folks.. I did the same thing pretty much but mine was sparked by the reality of my audit or performance evaluation for jazzercise..

With the kids I SO FEEL YOU ON THAT.. right now you are fortunate they aren't totally in schoolyet.. my problem ishaving enough hours to help/review projects *which get more elaborate by grade* LOL

I will tell u the starbucks daily habit is one hard to kick.. I had to do that about 2 yrs ago.. *would it help if I told you that you would lose some weight in your waist and gain it back in your pocket?* LOL

You can do it... :) and instead of a daily treat.. make it a friday treat :) and then cut back to a biweekly then monthly treat.. you will end up not missing it at all unless you are a true coffee person LOL

9:18 AM  
Blogger Miz JJ said...

I hear you about the Starbucks addiction. I have one of their cards and I put $20 on it at the beginning of the month. Once it is done it is done. That way I do not feel deprived, but I cap my spending.

I really want to go back to school so looking into that and planning for it is my new goal.

9:56 AM  
Blogger Tasha said...

I do the same thing Miz jj does with the card, only my addiction is Dunkin Donuts.

Internal assessment is so important so we can measure the progress in our lives. It's so good when you can be honest with yourself and make the necessary changes to move forward in your life and take care of home and work.

10:26 AM  
Blogger Brill said...

Hey 1969. A Happy belated New
Year to ya. It's been a while.
Glad to see that things have
remained intact. Not only are
you a great mother, but I now
see that you also value the
opinions of the Mister. Big up
to you, Sis. I wish you and
your family all the best.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

I never make resolutions anymore cause I never keep them. I just try to live as best I can and do the right thing by others and myself. So far so good...

But I will admit that my starbuscks habit is out of control and if I am trying to move to Atlanta at the end of the year I MUST I repeat MUST save some money. I take my cards out of my wallet and still seem to find ways to spend money on unnecessary's AWFUL!!!

Oh and the gym...I'm buying free weights and a yoga ball for the house this month...THATs a start!!

11:03 AM  
Blogger 1969 said...

BZ: I have to take a minute every once in a while to assess things. If they aren't serving a purpose...then I need to clean house. I always buy food at work!

BKDiva:I know it will get worse with the homework, etc as they get older. I USED to be pretty good with my Starbucks order. Nonfat milk only and fat free syrup. And yeah, I am a COFFEE person. UGH

I like that thought MizJJ. The $20 card is good. Unfortunately, Starbucks is in the lobby of my job. I pass it at least four times a day. That $20 would be GONE.

Tasha: Thanks for the encouragement!

Brill D: My homie. Happy New Year to you too. I will come visit your blog later!

Roycee: Girl...we need spending bootcamp! We have to hook up before next January. Don't make me call you out when I am in DC! I AM the Big Sister.

1:52 PM  
Blogger A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

I starbucks a while ago and to be honest i don't really miss it. the only time i get it now is if it's on the company dime. I buy good coffee and grind and brew at home. i even got one of those travel mugs and for about 1/4 of the price i'm still highly caffienated:-)

Financial planning is a must! My parents have instilled this in me from day one and lemme tell you it helps to have a financial umbrella on a rainy day, because sometimes it rains!

i was hit by a car in my early twenties and couldn't work for almost a year, had it not been for my savings I would have been trying to move back in with family...

sounds like your life is moving in the right direction! get it girl!!!

3:31 PM  
Blogger Ms. Lee said...

I'm constantly assessing myself and cleaning house. Keeps my mojo intact!

I've actually been keeping my resolution, which was not to let fear rule me. I am more outgoing, more open to new things and have met some really cool people. (Hey 1969!)

As for your Starbuck's, you may have to use that 5K training to sprint thru your lobby at work, LOL. Good luck!

10:45 AM  

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