Tuesday, March 13, 2007

To Whom It May Concern

I hate people that play games.

I am not a stellar example of humankind, but I am honest. I am the person you have come to know by stopping here. If you ever met me, you would know that I am an exact representation of what you read on this blog.

When I encounter people that like to play games, or want to manipulate others for their personal amusement...I have no time for it. I'm too old for games. I have a life and my time is valuable.

I don't appreciate spending my time getting to know someone and then it turns out, they are phony and manipulative or worse, have ulterior motives.

It's funny that people that think they are getting over on someone, typically are lonely, insecure folks that end up all by themselves, wondering why?

I love people. I love getting to know people from all over. I tend to reach out to people constantly. I befriend them. However, never mistake kindness for weakness.
I am a Cancer. The Crab. We will snap when least expected and it won't be pretty.

So to those of you wondering who in the hell ticked 1969 off today....rest assured, it wasn't you :)

And if you are reading this and feeling a smidgen uncomfortable...do some soul searching.

I'll be back to my sunny, pleasant self tomorrow. I promise!