Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I still want a hula hoop....

Christmas is gone. All of that running around shopping, hustling and bustling...all finished until next year. Hope everyone enjoyed and took the time to focus on why we were supposed to be joyous in the first place.

Now the next event is New Year's Eve. One of those times it sucks to be a parent. No one will babysit because they are all going out...so no parties for the 69's unless we throw one. Oh well, I will sit at home with the kids and drink all the good champagne currently chilling in the refrigerator.

Growing up, we had great Holidays. I remember that all of my family would head out to my Grandparent's house in New Jersey and there would be stacks and stacks of presents, loads of food and music, partying, etc. All of the kids played together. We always had such a good time.

Now that everyone has grown up, we still get together for the holidays. My aunt has taken to hosting the event. We were all together in New Jersey yesterday and she outdid herself with the food. I have stopped eating red meat and pork in the past month. I am trying to slowly but surely make some lifestyle changes and the red meat and bacon/ham had to go. So my aunt cooked salmon, shrimp and stewed chicken yesterday. I love that woman! So needless to say, I had a good meal.

My entire family cooks. My great grandmother owned a restaurant in Trinidad so my mom and all of my aunts (5 total) can cook. Heck, my uncle can cook too. We grew up around food. I seem to be the only granchild that can actually cook though...AHEM.
I have all male cousins who had cooking mothers so I guess those skills went out the window.

I am determined to raise men that can fend for themselves in the kitchen. What could be sexier than a rugged, tough man that can make you a gourmet meal? Ladies, you feel me? So I make sure to get the boys to help me in the kitchen. I think of it as an investment in their future. They will thank me one day.

So since I am the only one stuck in the office today....share some stories. How was your holiday? Did you all get what you wanted or did you get the lump of coal?


Blogger Organized Noise said...

I had a pretty low-key Christmas. My cousin had a dinner at her house Christmas Eve, after which "Guyana" and I brought in Christmas Day quietly . . . or as quietly as we could with my Mexican neighbors partying until 7 in the morning.

Christmas Day I just stayed in the house and watched the games.

For New Year's, we are still deciding which party to go to.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Nexgrl said...

My Christmas was okay. I told my sister and her adult children not to get me anything, because I don't usually have any clue what to do with their gifts. I did quite a bit of cooking and baking. I even baked dog biscuits for my neice's puppy.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Miz JJ said...

I do not know how you got the West Indian people away from the pork on Christmas. As my mom says what is Christmas without de ham. Heh.

That's good that you are teaching your sons how to cook. I think that cooking is a life skill like knowing how to balance a cheque book and doing laundry.

12:58 PM  
Blogger A Girl Again said...

This year, like every year, it was me, the man and the kids. I just got hooked on "The Wire" so when the kids feel asleep me and the man watched until our eyes nearly bled (that, and we ran out of episodes).

We had drinks and junk food and enjoyed the sweet sound of silence.

Hope your New Year is filled with the best kind of unexpected.

7:11 PM  

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