Monday, June 18, 2007

Ms. Lee asks the Questions....

So this week, I am answering questions. Every day I will answer five questions from one of my favorite bloggers. Today's five come from Ms. Lee. Ms. Lee is one dynamic and talented sister. We have a lot in common and I can't wait to meet her in person. I hope you check out her blog.

However, she sure is are her questions...

1. The old love of your life shows up on your doorstep. Mr. 1969 says, I know he'll make you happier than I do. So I'll go (and leave T's 1 & 2 with you), if that's what you want. What do you do?

I would never leave Mr. 1969. No matter how much I may still love an old love...he would be just OLD LOVE. Mr. 1969 and I made a committment to each other and the kids. I would never break up our home, no matter how tempting. Besides, Mama Sixtynine always says that "The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know".....Mr. 1969 is all trained, at this stage, I am not trying to break in a new player!

2. You have to give up something you absolutely love for 90 days. What do you give up?

Hmmm....what do I love? TV. Giving up TV for 90 days would be HARD. No Lost? No Heroes? Whew....

3. What is the biggest mistake you've ever made?

Definitely, not understanding the value of money and credit from an early age. I could have owned so much by now if I hadn't squandered so much on shopping, trips, meals, etc. I wish I had that guidance earlier on.

4. You're psychic and know you're going to be stuck on a deserted island. Who are you stuck with? And what three things must you have with you?

I would probably be stuck with my Best Friend. We would laugh for the rest of our lives. As long as we had music, food and some good books.....we would be straight.

5. As a non-Greek, I am unaware of the goings on when pledging (barring School Daze and Stomp the Yard, LOL). So I am curious. Were you hazed? If so, did you ever feel the need to seek revenge? Have you ever met an AKA you didn't like?

For the record, AKA is a non-hazing organization. 1969 pledged 17 years ago. I had MANY trials and tribulations along the way. Pleadging in not an easy process but you are only there by choice. You can choose not be be there at any time. I wouldn't trade that process and experience for anything. I learned more about myself, my strength and my will than I could have ever imagined. I also bonded with my line sisters for life and learned so much about the organization. Anything that was done to me was never done through hate or jealousy. I was never injured or beaten for the hell of it. There was a purpose behind everything...So I never felt the need to seek revenge. I think that many incidents of outright hazing that you hear about or read about happen when you have members that did not go through a tight pledging process...and then they turn around and try to pledge someone else. I have seen all of the movies and NONE are accurate. Don't believe everything you see. Big Sister Almighty was not letting Half Pint sleep with my man :)

And AKA is like anything, there are some you love, some you could live without, some you just don't like. It's like a family. As long as we are able to put petty things aside when we have a job to get done....that's what it's all about. Helping others.
In addition, if there is someone you don't really gel with, we try to be sisterly about it and don't discuss it outside of the family.


Blogger Gemini Girl aka GG said...

great questions and super honest answers...I agree on the old love..leave those memories behind..they are in the past for a reason. and why oh why didn't I learn that credit lesson a long time ago..I still cringe at the thought of all those credit cards I had in job but spending buckets of money on DUMB ish! that was stooooooooopid!

5:49 AM  
Blogger Mr.Slish said...

Ya'll too Don't ask me nuffin!!! lol

7:51 AM  
Blogger Little Brown Girl said...


I really appreciate your answer about the old love showing up at your door...although I know for you that is impossible (and I know why) I admire you for believing in the commitment you made to Mr. 1969 and your family. Too many people think the grass is greener on the other side and because it is so easy to walk away nowdays that marriage isnt seen as a lifelong situation but more like "until my life cant stand you anylonger" So Sad!

As for the last question *ehem* I love the first line (the disclaimer about AKA being a non-hazing organization) LOL!! I second that statement! And you are right on about what the pledging process is all about, the people who create bad situations are usually the people who dont know anything about what the purpose of the pledge process. The stuff you go through is NOT to hurt you, it is to build you up...and you can't build a strong foundation on a weak one, which is why (like with construction of a home) you often times have to break down the weak foundation to rebuild a new and stronger one...people on the outside looking in dont always understand what that involves but if you dont work in construction how could we expect you too? AKA is a lifelong commitment where you have connected with women who are committed to making the journey with you...I wouldn't change that for the world. Having SISTERS like you makes everything I went through WORTH IT!!!

Have a good day Momma...and I'm over here working on my questions so I can get them to you before I leave for vacation on Thursday!!

8:10 AM  
Blogger 1969 said...

GG...yes ruined my finances for a few years. It took work to get it all back together. I refuse to allow my kids to fall into that trap.

Slish....I got some questions for you....LOL would be HARD to walk away from that person but I am a part of a family now. The old days are gone :(

And yes, it's hard to explain the process but we must have done something and I are sisters and we never even met. LOL
From day one, we had that bond and it won't ever be broken, right? Why am I scared of your questions? LMAO

8:22 AM  
Blogger Ms. Lee said...

However, she sure is nosy... LMAO. You ain't lying!

Damn, you had some serious answers, though!

1. Mama Sixtynine's right!
2. What? No donuts? LOL.
3. D-I-T-T-O.
4. Hmmm. As long as my book's a part of the 'good book' party, I'll say good choice of 3!
5. I really had no idea what takes place in a sorority, so I figured I'd go to the source. Your answer debunks alot of misconceptions, namely that Black women can't get along/be on the same page.

We WILL hang before the summer's out! :o)

9:31 AM  
Blogger 1969 said...

Erica.....Thanks girl!

Ms. Lee....I forgot about donuts...mmmm. I have been donut free for two weeks now. Proud of me? Thanks for being the question week guinea pig!!!

10:15 AM  
Blogger BK said...


and I love your answer about pledging.. I JUST WISH SO MANY OTHERS ACTUALLY UNDERSTOOD THAT!! :)


12:21 PM  
Blogger Jameil said...

maaaan... you are so cool.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Lee- those were good. I noticed she skipped the donuts for TV though. Cant get her away from those damn things!!! I ditto Royce's first paragraph (the 2nd one was too long to read :)....Mr. 1969 must be doing sumthin' right...

1:11 PM  
Blogger msdivine said...

Love that response, soror.
Could not have said it better myself.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Virtuous said...

Girl you were on point about being in a sorority!!

@ "Besides, Mama Sixtynine always says that "The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know".....Mr. 1969 is all trained, at this stage, I am not trying to break in a new player!"

SHO NUFF right! I love that quote! I am going to have to use it!

9:23 AM  

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