Friday, August 31, 2007

Independence Day

Today is the day that my home, the beautiful twin islands of Trinidad & Tobago celebrate Independence Day. Big Up to Da Trini Massive :)

Enjoy the day and to all of my family back home....I love you. Enjoy de jump up for meh.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bye, Bye, Summer

When next we speak, the fall will be upon us...the kids will be back in school and before we know it...cold weather.

Enjoy the weekend, make the most of the three days off. Swim, Eat, Lounge.

A few housekeeping notes....

Best of Luck to my Soror Royce's Daughter as she prepares to run her marathon. Because she is a strong woman and has trained hard for this....I know she will emerge victorious. Good luck Roycee!

I also want to shout out a very special individual. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the beautiful, dynamic, sassy and sweet MISS LEE. I can't even begin to put into words how much I love me some Miss Lee. She is a talented writer and a bad azz Brooklyn chick. Enjoy your special day and this one's for you Missy! They Can't Knock The Hustle...keep shining!

The Hotel Chronicles

I was a new employee at my hotel and I had recently left one major Hotel chain and had started at another. Same stuff but the corporate climate was very different.

I had been in the job a month and so far was enjoying the change.

Coming down the hallway, I see the General Manager. I stop and say hello and he starts walking with me. We both get on the elevator and as we descend to the Executive offices he says....

"So, How is your period looking this month?"


For a solid minute, I was dead quiet. In my head, I was like...WHAT THE FUDGE DID THIS MAN JUST ASK ME? Then my mind started racing and I started thinking....IS THIS SEXUAL HARRASSMENT, DAMN, I JUST GOT HERE?

Finally a lightbulb went off and I remembered that at my old company, we called the end of the booking cycle "Month End". Here at XYZ Hotels, they call it "Period End".


"My Period looks like it's turning out to be a good one."

I went downstairs and told my Director of Sales what happened and she was in tears..."At least you didn't smack him." LOL

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Gone Fishin'

No post today. My team at work is headed to see the TUT exhibit followed by lunch and lots of cocktails.

Have a fabulous day and I will holla at you tomorrow blog fam.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

1969 tackles the news

All along I kept saying that Michael Vick needed Jesus, now he says he has found Him.
Problem solved.

Senator Larry. from Idaho, a staunch Republican who voted against same sex marriage and several other gay rights issues was found engaging in same sex activities in a men's restroom. Ahem. To quote Mama Sixty.....GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY.

Scott B.aio is 45 and single but his girlfriend is knocked up so he better get over those committment issues fast.

If arsonists set that fire in Greece, they need their azzes locked the eff up.

Both Se.rena and Ve.nus won their matches after the tribute to Althea Gibson at the US Open. How appropriate.


Monday, August 27, 2007

I believe the children are our future

Mind over Matter

I woke up on Sunday morning with a goal. It was 6am and I got dressed. I laced up the sneakers, slathered on some sunscreen and got in my car. I drove to East. F.alls and parked my car and from there I hit the ground running.

I ran alongside my favorite stretch of road in Philadelphia. I was determined to tackle "The Drive".

I love K.elly D.rive. The drive stretches all along the Sch.uyll.kil River and winds next to Boathouse Row and ultimately leads to the Art Museum (you know, where Rocky runs up the stairs). It is serene and peaceful and on this day....I decided to talk myself out of the "I Can't Do it" attitude and force myself to try.

My IPod was playing and I stopped thinking and just ran. Up to now, I had only run maybe two miles at best....and always on a treadmill at the gym.

On Sunday, I ended up doing a personal best for me....4 miles. I was utterly exhausted. But I felt great. Sometimes, I have to stop thinking so much. I think myself out of situations I can physically handle. I need to trust myself to just live. Just do it (as the sneaker giant says).

I need to just run.

Friday, August 24, 2007

10 Things I like About Me

My friend Liz tagged me (not THAT kind of tag) and I will now present to you:


1. I am a great cook. Yes, 1969 can throw down in the kitchen. I am one of those people that cooks without recipes. I go to restaurants, taste something and come home and make it. Friends always want to come over to eat or they ask me to teach them how to cook. It's one of my most favorite things about myself and I have to thank my Grandmother, My Mother and my five aunts and one uncle....all great cooks.
(I am not a baker though....shhh!)

2. I am great with people. I can walk into a room with all different kinds of people and make myself at home. I love meeting new folks, talking to them and can probably strike up a conversation with almost anyone.

3. I am a "boy" mom. Some moms are perfect for girls. They shop, get their nails done, etc. I am most definitely meant to have boys. I love football, I play in the dirt and I wrestle. My son learned to play baseball from me taking him out every night and teaching him how to hold a bat and pitching him balls. He can now hit like a champ. :)

4. As much as I like being a tomboy, I love getting girly. I love shopping, pedicures, new purses and shoes. I live for fashion and love to talk style. I think women that can be sophisticated and elegant but still rock a ponytail and some sweats are the hotness.

5. I can fix things. I can put things together. I can hang drapes, install drywall, etc. I am great with electronics and gadgets. I am the female Bob Villa.

6. I love the fact that I am healthier than ever at 38. I take care of myself. I plan to be around, GOD WILLING, for a long time.

7.I love my nose. It's cute.

8. I love my ability to roll out of the Boardroom and then roll through the hood. Many people would never meet me and know where I come from or what I am capable of.
I am proud to be from brooklyn....that tough upbringing has grounded me and prepared me for almost any challenge I could ever face.

9. I love being Caribbean. Our people are beautiful. Our culture is diverse. Our food is extraordinary. Our history is proud. I love going home to Trinidad and feeling that sense of pride and HOME.

10. The thing I love about myself the most is my ability to persevere despite any obstacle. I am so hard on myself but somehow I manage to wake up everyday and keep trying. I have faith in God and in myself that I will do my best. Sometimes my best isn't good enough. Sometimes, it downright sucks.....but I can't stop, won't stop. I enjoy my life. I love my family. I am grateful for every single day that I get to breathe. I never let the negative forces take over. I stay out of those holes. It's so easy to be "woe is me". I am like most of you....a product of a single mom, no father, financially unstable upbringing, nearly evicted more times than I can count, struggled through bad relationships, fell in love only to have that person die, etc....I could go on and on....but I am here. I never gave up. I always believed that God has a plan. No matter what has been thrown at me....I keep the faith and keep it moving. Thanks me, I love you man!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Drama is my middle name

I returned to the office only to be thrown in the middle of some office drama. WHY ME?

Why can't people just come to work and do their jobs? I don't feel like having to write anyone up on my first day back. I don't feel like spending half the day dealing with childish, petty shyt. Just focus on the task at hand. For me, trouble always comes when you are focused on everything BUT your job.

So, because I work for more than one hotel (as do my team members), our review gets sent to our shareholders and they can comment on the survey anonymously. After that, we sit down and review their feedback.

Well, one employee wants to tell me who her survey should be sent to.
I am going to select who gets the survey. I know you are buddy, buddy with the Director of Sales over there but I am sending your review to the General Manager. I want objective feedback not all praise and hugs. I want to hear what kind of job you are doing and not just from a friend of yours.

So she goes behind my back and calls corporate to get some folks added to the survey without my uh....corporate calls guess who? ME.

It ain't rocket science sister. Someone is going to have to authorize it. Who did you think they would call?

So anyway, 1969 is over here dealing with some "issues". After I kick some butt, I will get a real post out tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adventures in Suburbia

Mr. 1969 calls our neighbors kids the Wu-Tang Clan. They have a tendency to hang out late on their steps and they are loud. Our block is extremely quiet with the exception of these kids. **sigh**

On weekends, when their friends come over, he looks out the window and announces that the "Wu Affiliates" are visiting.

He is kind of obsessed with making sure these kids don't step on his grass, don't leave any trash on our property, etc. It's actually funny. He is turning into one of those neighbors that says things like "You boys better get over on your yard." "Uh, you gonna pick that up?". You know, the old man next door.

Well, yesterday, we were in the car. He picked me up from the train station and we pull up in our driveway and sure enough....the two neighbors kids are hanging outside of their house with their friends.

His radar goes off and he starts scoping out our lawn to make sure everything is in order. So Tali 1 shouts out, "DADDY! The Wu Tangs are outside again."

I give Mr. 1969 a dirty look. He starts laughing and says, "What?"

"Why did you teach him to call the neighbors the Wu Tang? That is not cute."

"He won't say it around them."

"That's not the point. They are "our neighbors" not the Wu Tang."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. They don't know what it means"

I am interrupted by both Tali's sitting in the back of the car holding up "W" signs with their fingers chanting in unison "Wu Tang, Wu Tang, Wu Tang".

I turn and look at my husband, who is cracking up with tears in his eyes.....laughing.

Maybe I should have stayed in DC?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I am supposed to be training right now. Bad blogger, bad blogger.

I just wanted to publicly say that I had a great time last night and met up with a few of my favorite DC Bloggers. I don't have time to get into all of the details but we had a great meal despite the nasty weather and the company was excellent.

Thanks to all of the ladies for taking time out to hang out. We have to do it again soon.

And a special thank you to my Soror, Roycee for taking care of her Big Sis. Love ya girl!!!

Back to work....

Monday, August 20, 2007

Who woulda thunk it?

Who woulda thunk that I would have SOOOOOoooooo many lurkers and regulars? Delurking day was a huge success. I have a reader in Kenya? WOW. Thanks so much to everyone for delurking. Please come by and comment often...even if it is just to say hi. I am so honored to have you all here.

I am currently blogging from the nation's capital. Yup, I am in Chocolate City today and tomorrow on business. Mr. 1969 will be holding down the fort at home with the Tali's.

I have a few friends that are Stay at home moms and they are always commenting on how "great" my husband is with the kids. "He watches them while you are away on business? My husband would never go for that."

Uh...yeah. They ARE his kids too. Why wouldn't he watch them? That's his job, D-A-D- D-Y. Just like, I am here to take care of them if he ever can't. It's called parenting. The men don't get a medal for doing stuff they are supposed to do. You are not "babysitting" your own kids. LOL

I guess, these ladies have husband's that don't help out with the children. They feel that they are working and the moms are at home so the kids are mom's job. Well, we don't have any family near us. No dropping the kids off to grandma. So if I am away, Daddy takes over. If he has something to do, I turn into Superwoman. I can honestly say that we share the responsibilities of parenting. I am blessed because I know this is not the case in a lot of households.

How do things work in your house? Did your mom run the house and dad just played with you every once in a while? Let's talk about it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Delurking Day

So a very wise person, CreoleinDC, suggested a delurking day. You know....a day for everyone to come out of hiding and introduce themselves.

I was suprised that a few of you came out and introduced yourselves yesterday. Even better, I have a reader in Germany? Who would have thought my little crazy existence would have interest to someone from another country? Very cool.

So if you would like to come out, introduce yourself and say hello, please do. I would love to get to know YOU as well.

Happy Friday!

and on a sidenote.....Happy Birthday to one of my favorite Bloggers.....Big Ups to The Brutha Code!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Public Service Announcement

I am taking a minute to address people that leave anonymous comments on my blog.

When I started this blog, I never thought for a minute that anyone would care about my life, my experiences or my writing. It seems that along the way, I have made several friends, and many of you stop by on a consistent basis. I am flattered that you would even spend a moment of your time here. So thank you.

However, while I do enjoy everyone's feedback, agreeable or disagreeable, please note that I share a lot of my daily life here. I talk about my family, my job, my friends and me. I do not feel comfortable getting anonymous comments, especially when they only seem to come when someone is trying to be negative under the cloak of anonynymity. We are all grown ups here and trust me, I love a good debate and have no problem taking criticism, feedback or comments. Just be respectful and leave your name.

When you come here and leave comments without a name, I feel uneasy sharing so much of myself with you , allowing you to disect it all, but you are allowed to hide.

If anonymous comments continue, the blog will have to go private, by invite only, in an effort to protect my privacy. Besides, trust me when I say that I am highly computer savvy and have your ip addresses stored just in case. I already know who you are.

Feel free to comment, all I'm asking is be an adult and leave your name. Hell you can make up a name if it makes you feel better. If you can't do that, the posting freedom I enjoy will most definitely be restricted.

This has been a 1969 public service announcement.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Hotel Chronicles

I had a lead one day for a convention. It was called the P.AF-C.ON. Of course, I had never heard of this meeting so I decided to google it and low and behold....I learned something new.

See, I used to book National Association groups. In my ten years in Sales, I have learned that there is a convention for everything under the sun. If you are into it, there are some folks that have a National Club dedicated to it.

Everything from NA.FA (the National Association for Acce.ptance) who enjoy being larger than life and beautiful, to the World S.cience F.iction folks who revel in wearing Science Fiction costumes as grown ups. I think part of my tolerant nature is the fact that I come into contact with so many different groups of people at work.

So anyway, I start to google and find out that this group actually does exist. This conference is dedicated to P.lush.ies and F.urr.ies. If you don't know what they are...these are groups of individuals who like to dress up as either fu.rry animals or characters (like human sized mascot costumes). They call it F*urry F*andom.

There is even a portion of the Pl.ushies that engages in se.xual activity while in costume. Yes....they dress up like their animal and then have governing rules for mating. Like, dressed up dogs can't get with anyone dressed like cats. No cross breeding. While reading up on this stuff, I felt that I had learned entirely TOO MUCH. Needless to say, we chose not to bid on the convention.

I don't understand the group's motivation but I do respect the fact that these souls have found each other and are probably overall, very happy folks. They meet up with their friends once a year and have a great time. Doesn't mean I plan on donning an Easter Bunny suit anytime soon....but hey, different strokes for different strokes. And in my business, we just want heads in beds... even if they are a little fluffy.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Advice Needed

I was so touched today by this post that was left in my comment section. If you have advice for this wonderful lady, please post it. She needs some upliftment today.

I'm truly happy you did this post...however, I am late reading it ...excuses 0-101 for my lateness. I'm so glad you did the post because I wanted to vent and sometimes you can't vent w/family and friends. I really don't know how to start my story, because I'm not sure if it really falls under this post...but I'm going to put it out here.

I'm a single mom in my early thirties and not so secure in myself, I know I should be but I'm not. I've given so much of myself to other's, that I don't feel I have anything left to offer. I always ask the question why me, what can I do to change things? To me my life has been a down hill battle since 7th grade and I saw a glimmer of hope when I graduated from 12th grade. Books should have been all I was thinking about, but peer pressure was hell. I was never the talkative type and didn't dress the way I wanted to (the money just wasn't there), didn't go to my senior prom because I didn't have a date. I mean guys just didn't seem into me. I am a little heavy, but I feel I carry it well being that I'm 5/7. Well any how, I got to college and was off to a wonderful start...then what I thought was the man of my dreams came into my life. Let's hit fast-forward.

Needless to say I didn't finish school....I left school and got a job and had a baby girl. My pregnancy was hard finically, because I had to foot my bills (doc visits) and I started to purchase baby things...because I didn't want people saying what they had to do for me. The love of my life was there, but wasn't happy at all and didn't want me to bring "our baby" into the world.....but I chose to have "my baby" because she was apart of me and I don't think I could have lived w/myself. It took me months to tell my mom, because I was scared and I knew I let her down. She didn't want me to be an unwed mother, at a dead end job. My mom went through the same thing, she was just younger and my father was older.

My mom raised me w/the help of my grandmother, I never really had a father figure and didn't know what to look for in a mate. To this day I still carry the pain of not having had a father in my life and now, my child is going through the same thing. The life I'm leaving is not the one I pictured. I dream of going back to school, I only have 6 hrs. left but my job is not flexible ( not to mention the stack of bills) and now I have a child to care for.....In a world full of hope, I feel so lost and all alone. I stress to my daughter to always give your best and never settle for anything less. There's so much more to this, but you would be reading for days. I once had dreams of living a brilliant life and raising a wonderful family. Please, don't misunderstand me...I love my daughter to death and have sacrificed a great deal to make sure she's in one of the best schools. I try to give her everything she ask for, because I feel I have short changed her in some ways.

I'm trying to find my way back and I just need a little do I start to put the pieces back together? I just want to be happy, I haven't had that feeling in along time.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Does my sassiness upset you?

When I was pledging, I had to memorize a poem by my Soror, May.a An.gelou. You may be familiar with it.

As I have grown older and more comfortable with who I am, I have learned to love myself....flaws and all. I have truly come to respect the power of Maya's words. As a teenager, I was insecure about so many things. How I looked, would people like my outfits, my hair, my jokes. As a young woman, I was worried about dating, finding a husband, my job, money, making my family proud, my life.

At the age I am now, I am so comfortable with me and my existence. I am not afraid to say that I love who I am. Of course, there is a lot of room for growth. I can always do better. But, overall, I am pretty awesome and I know it. I accept it. I feel it and I walk around with that certain something. That confidence.

In life, there are always people who will try and point out your flaws. The naysayers, the negative influences, the "haters".

Some people always like to judge others from the outside. I know because I am one of them. I judge all the time. It's human nature.

However, only YOU (and the BIG GUY) can judge yourself. Only you know what you have overcome to get to this point. Only you know what special gifts lie in your heart for the right people or person to share. Only you fully understand what you are capable of. The gifts that you possess.

I am not afraid of anyone judging me anymore. I know what I bring to the table and you should too.

Let the naysayers all fade away and walk like you've got oil wells in your backyard.

Have a great weekend. Be blessed!

My new anthem!

Leave it to Jilly from Philly to drop a pertinent song with a great beat.

Hate on me haters....cause I'm gonna do me! Loves it.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Conversations with Tali

My son's list of school supplies has arrived in the mail. In addition, his uniform list is here. It's time to do my first "official" back to school shopping for my Tali.

As I sat there last night, reading his list, I had to smile. I know that down the road, I probably won't enjoy school shopping like I will this weekend. I have visions of a surly teenaged son being dragged to the store, arguing with me over styles and overpriced sneakers.

This time out, Tali and I will shop together. He will be excited as we pick out his knapsack and lunchbox (Hmmm...Spiderman or Transformers?). He will agonize over which pencils are the coolest. I will swing through the aisles with pride oozing out of every pore.

Last night, we were sitting on the couch together reading "Don't the P.igeon Drive the Bus!" for the 300th time. Tali says to me..."Mom, can you believe I made it into that school?" "Of course!", I said. "You worked hard and because of that, they chose you. Hard work is the key son. It's not always about who is the smartest or fastest.....Mommy just wants you to work hard and to always do your best."



"I think I made it in because you and Daddy always do work with me."

"We do. But the 1969's always help each other. We're a family."

"I think my family might be the best in the whole world."

"I think you're right."

"I am."

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Car jackers beware....

I will be at a meeting in Newark, NJ on Wednesday. Just wanted to leave you with a little something.....King Beef. One of the greats.


My husband and I compared our crushes last night. His list of ten was hilarious.
Today I will share with you my current crushes, excluding Maxwell cause that's a given.

1. Will from Making the Band....this youngster is HOT. And the boy can dance and sing. I picked him out from the auditions back in Chicago and he's gonna be a star.

2. Now you know I ride with my New York Football G.iants all day long. And ladies, after seeing this man in person....let me tell you that he is beautiful. To top it off, his teeth are perfection. Mr. Tiki Bar.ber

3. Darren Sharper. Whew. Take a minute ladies. Breathe. This man is stop traffic fine. I think it's the eyes....nah, it's definitely the dimples.

4. I'm going old school with this know the scene....the one in the Best Man when the music hits, the camera swings to the restaurant/bar entrance and in walks....Morris Chest.nut? Yes. That's all I am gonna say.

5. Speaking of perfection.....Boris

6. My favorite Euro.....Beckham. Welcome to America Becks!!!

and hell....I'm throwing in a Max photo just for GP. There is no list without my main man. Hair or no Hair, he's still hot to death.

Monday, August 06, 2007


I was reborn when I was broken......

Whenever I hear this song, I have to pause and listen to the lyrics. This song is about hope, courage and strength. Everyone has an event that has happened to them that has rendered them broken. Where you feel the hurt or pain so deep, you can't find the strength to get out of bed, to talk or even to just breathe. If this hasn't happened to you yet, you best believe that it is coming.

Life happens, it spares no one.

I believe we are judged and measured not by how well we responded during our good times, but how we got up, dusted ourselves off and rebuilt our spirits after we had been broken down. That is the true measure of an individual.

Some people have a tragedy or hurt and they never recover. They walk around blaming folks, hating their lives. Some lose themselves and in that split second, take a life or take their own lives. Some just remain bitter and angry at everything and everyone around them.

The rest of us allow ourselves to feel the hurt and eventually, we rebuild ourselves. We never forget, but we learn something, accept our new reality and we continue to live.

I often think about my life. My struggle. While I know that I get many things wrong, I am continually striving to get better. To learn. To grow.

Like the song says............I can let my life pass me by......or I can get down and try, to work it all out this Lifetime.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunday Ramblings

Can I confess something? One of my favorite bloggers was out of the office on a well-deserved vacation last week. Can I tell you how many times I needed to call that fool to discuss some blog craziness? Bloggers have drama!!!!! To my blog BFF, I am so glad you and the Fam had a nice week off.....but your homie in Philly missed yo azz. No more time off until Thanksgiving, Okay? LOL

This month is going to be interesting, in addition to work kicking my behind....literally, I am stepping up my workout intensity. I woke up yesterday and today and ran **drumroll please** OUTSIDE. For sometime, I have been able to run my 2.5 to 3 miles inside the gym on a treadmill. Well, in order for me to do the 5k in October...I have to learn to run outdoors. Well I did two miles outside. Huge accomplishment. In addition, I was rocking some short runners shorts and a tanktop and my old behind almost picked up about five guys while running :)

We took the Tali's to the pool yesterday and now I am burnt. I swear I was wearing Sunblock the whole time. This sun is no joke....cover up people.

And last but not least, today, August 5th, is my wedding anniversary. 7 YEARS. Whew.
It ain't easy but we made it another year. Tonight, grown folks fun.........champagne.......fine dining............. and the rest is censored.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Be a your child

photo courtesy of Dlisted

Eddie.....the exes are meeting and having lunch? I hope you have a good lawyer. That's all I'm gonna say.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bloggers Block

I have nothing to write about but I feel compelled to say something. Why is that?

Why can't we just say nothing?

Damn's an addiction.

I feel guilty when my life is not exciting enough to share some tidbit of information.

No cool stories are popping off in my head.

Yet, I feel compelled to write something.

To not leave folks hanging.


Okay, here goes.....


Now go on amongst the masses and be productive.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Hotel Tales

It had been a long week and I was on duty for the 6th day in a row. I was working in a Hotel in Harrisburg, PA. The convention checking in was Lyttle People of America.

So needless to say, our guests were "vertically challenged". We made lots of special arrangements like having steps placed at the front desk counter so they could reach check-in, etc...

As they arrived, it was kind of cool. So many people that were happy to see other people just like themselves. Finally, they were a majority and they were genuinely thrilled.

The convention was going well....I stopped in to check out their guest speaker. He was one of the Lollipop Kids from the original Wizard of Oz. The only one left alive. He was old....I mean old.....but he was signing Wizard of Oz memorabilia and other stuff.

So it seemed like a typical conference. Until that first night's reception.

Lyttle people like to get CRUNK. These dudes and dudettes were toasted. They drank up a storm and of course, ended up extremely drunk. Several people passed out. We had to call an ambulance for two people and the evening turned out to be quite hectic.

When we finally got most of the folks out of the Ballroom, we started cleaning up. We cleared all of the dishes off the tables and started breaking things down for the night. As your girl, 1969 starts pulling tablecloths off the rounds....I end up catching two individuals getting their groove on underneath the table. WTF?

"Uh....excuse me folks....the party is over....and I am sure you can continue this in your rooms upstairs"

"Just give me a minute" says my lyttle friend.

So you know what? My tired azz covered the table and told him to take his time.

1969 is for the children.