So as we start down the road to dating, things are heating up. 1969 is starting to like the future Mr. 1969 and vice versa....he invites me to spend Easter weekend at his house and to meet his mama and family.
So we get up there, things are going smoothly. Easter Sunday, the two of us head off to church. His mom had gone to sunrise service so she could stay home and cook. Of course, we both looked extra sharp when we left and we enjoyed a great service. (Two years later, we would be married in this same church).
So when we get back home, I can smell the Easter ham and all of the cousins are over.
I walk in and start chit chatting with the cousins. Just as they were getting up to leave....Mr. 1969's mom comes in the room. "Lawd....I don't know what to do? I wasn't really thinking and she has a gift for me...."
So Mr. 1969 asks his mom what's wrong...."While you were at church, Puerto Rico called." The whole room gets quiet.
"Puerto Rico......She's here? Why is she here?.....What did you tell her?"
"I didn't know what to say. She said she was in town for the Holiday to visit friends. She had a gift for me and wanted to stop by to drop it off. I knew 1969 was here but I couldn't say no, it would have been rude. I didn't know what to say?"
Mr. 1969 starts to look nervous. All of the cousins are quiet.
Now Puerto Rico was THE GIRLFRIEND. She dated Mr. 1969 for three years, all through college. Despite him cheating on her repeatedly, she stuck it out with him until she finally started cheating. Of course, he then dumped her and said she broke his heart. A totally dysfunctional relationship very typical of college.So he looks at me and says..."What do you want me to do?"
So of course, the gracious lady that I am...I say that I have no problems with her coming over to say hello.
All of his cousins who were leaving start laughing and saying "We ain't going NOWHERE now!!!"
So about 30 minutes later, in walks a triumphant Miss Puerto Rico. She didn't really notice me when she first came in. She was all decked out in her Easter finest. I can see how she thought it would go down. The beautiful ex-girlfriend walks back into town, shows up unexpectedly and sweeps a lonely Mr. 1969 off his feet again.....SCREEEEEECH
He walks her over to me and introduces her to his "Girlfriend, 1969". I stared her right in the eye, extended my hand and said "So nice to meet you, you're the one from College right?" :)
Her whole face looked crestfallen but she was a trooper, she sucked it all in and was very sweet. Said hello and gave the mom the gift. Of course, the food is ready so the COUSINS invite her to stay and eat. Meanwhile they are in the kitchen asking me if I'm going to beat her down. LOL
So instead of this heffa saying "No, I'm not hungry" she stays to eat with us. Then to top it off, she asks Mr. 1969 if he wants to see pictures of her sisters baby. He says sure. In every picture...Why is she in a string bikini on the beach holding the baby????? LMAO
She had her game down pat. I know if I wasn't there, it might have been on like popcorn. Mr. 1969 is so nervous through all of this. He keeps coming over to me and asking me if everything is okay. I smile and say sweetly "Of course. Are YOU okay?"
He keeps saying "Why won't she leave?" The cousins are loving every minute of watching his azz sweat and his sisters are next to me snapping on her. I swear it was like an episode of Good Times.
Eventually, she realizes that it's time to go. He asks me if he can walk her to the car....I smile sweetly and say "Of course". He walks her outside and comes back in in five minutes.
As soon as he walks in, he collapses on the chair and all of us break out laughing.
Poor Mr. 1969, he was stressed out.
Then we all start cutting up...."Can you believe she stayed? What was up with the pictures? She knows she was trying to come back like BAM....she got her damn feelings hurt."
Later that night.....Mr. 1969 and I went for ice cream and we sat by the waterfront and talked. He told me he had only dated girls that liked drama. He wasn't used to anyone that exhibited the class I had shown that day. He thought I would snap out in his mom's house and he was just dreading the whole scenario. I smiled sweetly and told him that he didn't invite her, she probably left devastated and that I was the one staying, she eventually had to leave. We hugged and the relationship probably turned a corner after the Miss Puerto Rico incident.
He didn't know his future wife was always only one second away from knocking that BEYOTCH out.